Janet Crews ConsultantJanet Crews Consultant

How Janet works

Janet’s extensive change management experience is entirely practical – designing and delivering change that works.

What differentiates Janet from many others is her ability to:

She will ensure that the time and energy invested in change generates real results and long-term benefits.

Practicality is something she brings to every job, and an implementation focus: helping people create clear, achievable goals which are influenced by:

Clients appreciate her ability to demystify the change process and help them get started on what needs to be done. They like the fact that she speaks plain English and avoids clichés.

She understands people and has a genuine empathy for people affected by change.

Janet’s change management expertise draws on a post graduate qualification, 5 years experience in change consultancy roles in the public and private sectors (Queensland) and 18 years human resources and industrial relations experience (Queensland and Northern Territory).

She is an effective team leader-team member who works collaboratively and enjoys working with multi-disciplinary project teams. She is also:

That breadth of experience means Janet can design complete change programs in response to your needs, or work within your existing framework.


0409 573 123

Outside Australia

+61 409 573 123



Janet is based in Brisbane, Australia.

Janet travels to where the work takes her!